Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Finishing the Kool-Aid

As the Carnival Party grounds are emptying out, there is still a group of old white guys at the RAND PAUL FOOD COURT sipping the last of the Kool-Aid from the drink concession.

In general though, across the grounds, although unhappy with the losses in the election by favorites Christine O’Donnell, Carl Paladino, Sharron Angle, Meg Whitman and other carnies, the crowd was thrilled with the other electoral wins, especially that of Rand Paul.  The buzz going around is that Paul is the Carnival Party’s best hope to shrink government, shrink the tax burden on the rich, shrink the middle class and shrink the Civil Rights Act. Only a few stragglers were heard questioning what Paul would do to create jobs and stop outsourcing but these same stragglers were also heard rationalizing that job creation was less important than getting rid of that black president.

Over at the FOX NEWS EMPLOYMENT CENTER, which was one of the last standing booths, it was reported that Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck were speaking to Christine O’Donnell about employment at Fox. It was further reported that O’Donnell was informing Hannity and Beck that GOD had told her that she should be working at Fox instead of being an elected official and that is why she ran as the idiot candidate.  The reported response of Hannity and Beck was that they would assist O’Donnell if they received the Carnival Party promised millionaires tax cut and the minimum wage was repealed, thereby insuring that there was money available to pay O’Donnell.

Behind closed doors, the Carnival Party organizers were already planning their next event and had approved, given the results of the election, reusing the DAVID VITTER WILD MADAMHORN RIDE, the PALIN-BACHMANN PHOTO BOOTH, and the SHARRON ANGLE SHOOTING GALLERY with the provision that the SHOOTING GALLERY be renamed after a different nutcase who was pro-gun and anti-immigrant and who could actually tell the difference between an Asian and a Hispanic.

The organizers also agreed that they would provide the same Kool-Aid drink to the working carnies and attendants with the hope that the consumption of such would have the same effect, in essence , leading the drinkers to believe that the country would be better off if Obama was defeated and all healthcare, credit card, consumer protection, Wall Street, student loan and education, hate crimes, equal pay for women, VA, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and minimum wage reforms would be repealed. And of course, while masquerading as support for job creation, convincing the carnies and attendants that tax breaks for the super wealthy and the dead are the required course of action. The only question in the organizers minds was whether the current concoction would work in two years.  It was concluded that, given the intellectual and educational background of their supporters in conjunction with the amount of anonymous corporate money that could be used for advertising, there was confidence that the supporters would drink-up.

With the final closure of the grounds, one of the carnies noted that many of those leaving seemed disappointed that they had not been able to attend or experience all of the exhibits, rides, and attractions and obtain a souvenir that would remind them of their wonderful experience.  Demonstrating amazing creativity, the carnie put together a small stand where these individuals were able to purchase an exact replica of the CARL PALADINO BASEBALL BAT, claimed to represent the people of New York.  The purchasers were ecstatic, and were heard saying that they can’t wait to use them during the next election, during the next Rand Paul debate or during Carl’s next meeting with a reporter. SEE BELOW!

The end of CARNIVAL PARTY for 2010.

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