Sunday, September 26, 2010


Entering the Carnival Party Tent and Grounds
                                           Let the Fun Begin - Part I

Having proposed that the Republican Party and the Tea Party should result in the formation of the Carnival Party, and having described the barkers and hawkers, it is now necessary to report on the unique, amusing, and somewhat controversial booths, acts, sideshows and rides that the Carnival Party carnies are offering to entertain its brethren.  However, before the fun starts, we digress for a moment to allow for some instructions from Carnival Party Barker Beck.

No doubt, a popular booth will be the SENATOR JOHN ENSIGN KISSING BOOTH where one can kiss Senator Ensign and then receive payment from his parents for keeping quiet about it.  Adjacent to this booth, for those who are interested in a little more intense entertainment, is the SENATOR VITTER WILD MADAMHORN RIDE.  If these two amusements don’t tickle one’s fancy, a person can proceed to the SENATOR LARRY CRAIG LAVATORY HOUSE OF STALLS to do a little foot tapping - if you can locate the right stall.

If the foregoing is an insult to the individual’s evangelical predispositions, he or she can move on to the SHARRON ANGLE SHOOTING GALLERY and take shots at characters that resemble Senator Harry Reid, prochoice advocates, Social Security defenders, and children with autism.

In this wonderful atmosphere, the Carnival Party financial backers wanted to provide its carnies and guests with the best possible food.  That is why they built the RAND PAUL FOOD COURT.  The food is great, but of course, following Candidate Paul’s disagreement with portions of the Civil Rights Act, each food kiosk has the right to deny service to any minority.  This is not viewed as a potential financial pitfall, because other than Michael Steele, Senator Joe Leiberman, and Saudi Prince Alwaleed, who is the largest shareholder in News Corp./Fox News other than Rupert Murdoch, and a few others, there are not that many minorities who will be requesting food service.

While at the Food Court, diners can enjoy the KARL ROVE DANCE REVUE.

Next, just to the right of the KARL ROVE DANCE REVUE, and for those looking for a dose of nostalgia, is the BEATLES EXHIBIT where patrons can possibly see video footage of themselves, their family or their friends burning Beatle records.

In my next segment I will be covering the more recently constructed and newer part of the grounds. There is the exciting GOVERNOR MARK SANDFORD APPLALACHIAN RIDE, the CHRISTINE O’DONNELL WITCHCRAFT AND ANTILUST booth, the SARAH PALIN – MICHELLE BACHMANN PHOTO BOOTH, the CARL PALADINO INTERNET EXHIBIT, and the FOX NEWS EMPLOYMENT CENTER.

Thanks for stopping by.

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