Sunday, September 19, 2010


Although the process has somewhat begun, let me be the first to propose that the unification of the Republican Party and the Tea Party should result in the formation of the Carnival Party.

If you think about it, and without intending any offense to the real carnies of this world, there is an uncanny resemblance between a large portion of the Republican Party and Tea Party members and individuals we associate with the carnival business and atmosphere. This goes far beyond the way they look and dress and the fact that they show up in various neighborhoods and parks in big colorful trucks and buses.

The Barkers and Hawkers

Like the skilled barkers and hawkers at a carnival who promote and lure the public into buying snake oil to cure their ills, convince the public they can throw a dime on a plate, or talk a person into spending $20 throwing old baseballs in order to win a 99 cent stuffed animal made in china, the barkers and hawkers for the Carnival Party are just as skilled at separating money from the unthinking suckers and misled thrill seekers.

If you believe what they say, it will cost you.  You know these barkers and hawkers well: Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, “Joe the Plumber,” and others.  But do you know better than to believe them?  Before entering the Carnival Party milieu, it may behoove you to consider the following facts and analysis pertaining to these barkers before you get conned.

As internet resources document, the similarities in the backgrounds of these individuals show a clear lack of the most elementary credentials, never mind expertise, relevant to the issues they most commonly address.  Their backgrounds, of which you are probably aware, reflect the following.

  1. Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh and “Joe” all failed to attend college for any significant length of time or earn a degree in any subject, with Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh dropping out of college.  In fact, they are all dropouts.

  1. Despite paying lip service to the military, and vigorously advocating the use of the American military in various ventures, none of these individuals, after they dropped out of college, ever served in the military or any other national service entity.  Apparently, their so-called patriotism and devotion to their country has limits.

  1. Beck and Limbaugh have been divorced at least once, Limbaugh three times, and Beck and Limbaugh are both admitted substance abusers.  Yet, these individuals claim to be leaders in the arena of “family values.”  What greater hypocrisy?

  1. None of these individuals have run for office or had a position of responsibility in either local or national government or public service where they had to be accountable to a constituency and accomplish community or national objectives for the public good.

Despite the fact that Hannity, Limbaugh and the like have the media platform and verbal wherewithal to bark and campaign on such issues as American military involvement, legislative priorities, economics and tax policy, race relations, healthcare, Supreme Court nominations, moral behavior, etc., and despite that they have succeeded in making millions doing so (except for “Joe,” he is still trying), based on their backgrounds it can be concluded that they don’t have any experience or professional, academic or other credentials in any such areas.  But bark and hawk they can.

Further, in addition to having no valid credentials, the backgrounds of these individuals in conjunction with their histories as sole voices behind a microphone have resulted in their common adoption of routines that scorn scrutiny and respect for truth, facts, scientific and empirical evidence, civil debate, tolerance, and diversity.  This is easy to understand. As life long barkers with no academic, military or community-oriented work experience, these individuals have avoided environments where critical thinking, open exchange and questioning of ideas and philosophy, and exposure and sensitivity to ethnic and racial diversity are encouraged and/or required. It is no wonder, and no one should be surprised, that these individuals consistently misstate the truth, omit or misrepresent crucial facts, make racist remarks, scoff at scientific or empirical evidence, and use fear, personal attacks and hate to advance their positions. I would certainly not attribute these approaches to the regular everyday carnies who visit our cities and towns, but these barkers view their agenda, goals and carnival success as far more important than having a little bit of fun and deception at the public’s expense.

As one might expect, Mark Twain aptly described these kind of individuals when he said, “The less a man knows the bigger the noise he makes and the higher the salary he commands.”  Did Mark Twain meet Rush Limbaugh?

One last point on this matter.  There are those who would argue that these individuals, having interviewed a number of knowledgeable people and having claimed to have read an abundance of books, are self educated and have attained a level of knowledge and expertise to qualify as being credible.  I don’t disagree that this suggestion, in general, may have some validity.  However, as these individuals have a well-documented record, of misstating facts, misrepresenting the truth, making racist remarks, and promoting fear, distrust, and intolerance, there is no evidence to support the conclusion that they have overcome the shortcomings of their backgrounds and have attained any level of credibility pertinent to the issues they commonly address.  Absent the tools for the proper and objective evaluation of information or assertions from interviewees or written material, they tend to interview individuals and read materials that support their positions because they are not capable, nor do they have the desire, to objectively analyze matters, document facts and pursue truth.
Additionally, as most Americans would demand that their physician, dentist, airline pilot, architect, etc., have some academic degree, training certificate, or direct experience before they would place confidence in their skills and/or knowledge, it is doubtful that most Americans would be receptive to any of the foregoing cited professionals who had no credentials but who claimed to be self-taught.  It would appear that a similar standard should apply to individuals who are attempting to give advice and influence Americans about the issues of the day, and how to vote, each being a crucial activity in our democracy.  However, as these DROPOUTS are the barkers and hawkers, and the money is rolling in, no such standard is required for the Carnival Party folks.

Coming shortly, Carnival Party, Entering the Carnival Party Tent and Grounds, where you will find our Carnival Party carnies setting up.  There will be the SENATOR JOHN ENSIGN KISSING BOOTH, the SHARRON ANGLE SHOOTING GALLERY, the SENATOR LARRY CRAIG LAVATORY HOUSE OF MIRRORS, the GOVERNOR MARK SANDFORD APPALACHIAN RIDE TO SOUTH AMERICA, and the newly developed CHRISTINE O’DONNELL WITCHCRAFT AND ANTI-LUST BOOTH, among other attractions. You won’t believe what you can find at the Carnival Party grounds.

Also, coming soon, the first of my “Lefty’s Lunchbox,” which will be filled with savory tidbits re: the Palins, Mike Huckabee, Chris Matthews, and Randi Rhodes.


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