Monday, September 27, 2010


Sick to My Stomach

This first installment of the “Lunchbox” is in such bad taste it would make any normal person sick to their stomach.


Insult is added to injury because these individuals are not only ignorant in what they are saying, they are clearly indicating that they have no sensitivity to the needs of their fellow citizens.  They definitely have no understanding of the health care needs of the general population, and they don’t care.

For Preacher Huckabee’s benefit, insuring a person for a pre-existing condition is no way analogous to obtaining property insurance for a house that has burned down.  Insuring a person with a pre-existing condition hopefully allows that person to receive care, assuming their condition warrants care, so that they don’t get “burned down.”  All pre-existing conditions are not terminal. 

Additionally, if an individual with any pre-existing condition, whether major or minor, could be denied coverage, the question then becomes, how could they receive treatment for their normal non-pre-existing illnesses that most people incur.

Of course, analysis, common sense and appreciation of the needs of the common man are not part of the mindset of people like Preacher Huckabee or Sharron Angle.  Since both of them in their arrogance and ignorance frequently claim that they know what Americans need and want and know what Jesus wants and expects, they cannot see nor accept the errors of their ways.  Consequently, they have entered the “Lunchbox” and will hopefully be thrown out with the leftovers and trash.

1 comment:

  1. Huckabee's analogy would be valid if firefighters were entirely privatized as they once were, and such a private firefighting service charged more for wooden houses vs brick ones, or simply let the house burn down when it was discovered it was wooden, despite many years of premium payments.

    I would be more than happy with a health care system that was actually analogous to how we handle firefighting, police, or any other public infrastructure: a robust socialized base of functionality, combined with a small free market of highly regulated premium extra services. This is what France has, and their health care is rated #1 by WHO.
