Tuesday, October 12, 2010


WOW: More Breaking News

Apparently, the Carnival Party is not a firm believer in the old adage, “no news is good news.”  So again, notwithstanding my prior commitment to not continue the CARNIVAL PARTY segments until after the November elections, I now have additional breaking news to report.

only need the first 3 minutes!!

An interesting, yet controversial, new amusement, in the planning phase for a while and now opened with an entrance on the grounds, is the IOTT NAZI WAR GAMES ADVENTURE.  For this ADVENTURE, you can enter on the grounds and then be bussed by special carnies to a secret location where you join candidate Rich Iott of Ohio, a Carnival Party aspirant, to participate in re-enacting the adventures of a Nazi SS Panzer Division.  Each paid admission gets an authentic uniform, weapon and Nazi alter-ego name.  Children can attend with parents, to bond, but only after writing an essay of why they would prefer to dress up as a Nazi and play war games rather than challenging their parents to a game of checkers, golf, or bowling.

Although the Carnival Party organizers have become aware that a few of the carnies and patrons on the grounds are not thrilled with this ADVENTURE, especially those of the Jewish faith, they are hoping that the small number of supporters they have among the Jewish faith will not abandon them.  They are counting on the fact that this group will be more motivated by their unacceptance of a black president and the possibility of a bigger tax refund than they are disgusted by any Carnival Party members gallivanting around as Nazis.

The second “breaking news” item relates to an addition to the previously described PALADINO INTERNET EXHIBIT. 
Currently under construction is the PALADINO BRAINWASHING CENTER where viewers can see pictures, like mug shots, of homosexuals you wouldn’t want to expose to your children, and who have not demonstrated that, …”homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option.” To accommodate the New York group of orthodox rabbis who endorsed Paladino and provided him with his speech lines that will be played at the CENTER, it was decided that the rabbis could select the initial photos to be put on display.  Apparently, to best prove their point, the photos of the following individuals were selected first.  The people are all Jewish.(Wikipedia LGBT Jews)

-         Jerome Robbins of  “King & I,” “Westside Story,” and “Fiddler on the Roof” fame;
-         Leonard Bernstein, “Westside Story”;
-         Leslie Gore, “It’s My Party”;
-         Annie Leibovitz, photographer;
-         Maurice Sendak, writer/illustrator;
-         Brian Epstein, Beatles manager/agent; and
-         David Geffen, entertainment mogul/philanthropist.

The orthodox rabbis, of course, without stating such, are not expected to visit the PALADINO INTERNET EXHIBIT featuring Paladino’s racist and bestiality Email exhibits, even though he spoke their words about rejecting perversion and pornography.

In a final announcement, and in response to already having multiple amusements/exhibits featuring Mr. Paladino, the Carnival Party organizers stated that they would not be building prison dorms on the grounds to house any poor people who may have mistakenly been admitted to the event.

Stay tuned, approaching election day, more to come.

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